New Equity Principles, Opportunities to Listen4Good, and Funder Listening Story


Introducing Our Equity Principles 

Fund for Shared Insight’s core funders have adopted a new set of equity principles that codify the collaborative’s commitment to hold equity as an explicit and centered value, priority, and goal. We intend to look to the principles as a guidepost in all that we do, both internally and externally. And we invite other funders and nonprofits to consider the principles as they implement listening and feedback practices.

Please read the equity principles and the acknowledgments related to creating and sharing them. We invite you to engage with us around the principles (as we continue this journey together) and our new #Listening4Equity webpage, a place where we hope to connect more deeply and inspirationally with a community of funders and nonprofits committed to listening in the service of equity.

Listen4Good Registration Deadline December 1

We invite you to participate in our two new powerful and affordable feedback capacity-building programs, Listen4Good Online+ and Listen4Good Premium.

Both programs offer organizations the tools, resources, and coaching they need to build high-quality feedback loops with their clients. Funders can sponsor their grantees, enhancing their own listening practices and acting as a critical catalyst in supporting feedback efforts across the sector.

The December 1 deadline is coming up fast! Register now or join one of our free informational webinars to learn more, and get ready to grow your commitment to listening and responding to the people and communities at the heart of your work.

Foundation Joins with Grantees to Listen to ‘What the Community Really Needs’

Read about how the Moses Taylor Foundation learned alongside a grantee — and shaped a broader grantmaking strategy — by listening to client feedback. Changes have improved healthcare delivery and the patient experience at area clinics the foundation supports.

Have you seen funder listening in action?

Share your stories to demonstrate what’s possible when grantmakers center the people and communities most impacted by their decisions.