Looking Back at 2024: Our 10 Most Popular Blog Posts

Mosaic of insights for change posts

As Shared Insight prepared to launch this blog more than two years ago, one question we asked ourselves many times was whether our busy colleagues in philanthropy would have time to read yet another blog, no matter how engaging the content. This was akin to a host’s anxiety about throwing a party that no one attends.

But thanks to the magic of the internet and analytics, we know that you have been coming to our party, and we are grateful and energized by that.  Maintaining a regular publication schedule, recruiting contributors, and curating a regular stream of content is a major commitment,  and only makes sense — and only counts as a contribution that’s advancing the field — if folks are engaging with the content we’re putting out.

The two dozen posts we published in 2024 resulted in more than 10,000 page views from readers — well over 1,000 per month in our busiest months. And our analysis of which posts are read the most is helping to advance our understanding about what resources, tools, and content are most helpful to funders as we work together to make listening to community standard practice in philanthropy.

Without further ado and in ascending order, here are the most read posts on Insights for Change in 2024:

Published in November 2023, this piece from our colleagues at Full Frame Initiative includes a link to their Centering Community Self-Assessment tool. Note that our list kicks off with a tool.

This post announced an update to our popular toolkit. Two other posts related to participatory philanthropy appear later in this list.


Published in late July, which is often a slower time for readership, this post by our managing director, Melinda Tuan, nevertheless made the top 10 and reflects high interest in participatory practices among our readers (See #9 above and #5 below.)


This piece, also from Melinda and published late in the year, clarified our definition of funder listening to shift power. 


Published in December 2023 and adapted from a webinar hosted by Shared Insight’s global engagement committee, this Q&A with the executive director of the Uganda National NGO Forum offered provocative insights on how funders can advance locally-led development.


Shared Insight’s Katy Love and her colleague Diana Samasaran introduce the Advancing Participation in Philanthropy (APPT) assessment.


This post links to a video featuring Teletia Atkins, a community liaison for Missouri Foundation for Health, in the Bootheel region of Southeast Missouri. 


A May 2024 report from our evaluation and learning partner, ORS Impact, examines the status of the feedback and listening field after nearly a decade of effort by Shared Insight and others.


From February: Heather Peeler, CEO of the community foundation ACT for Alexandria, writes about the role of community listening in a participatory strategic planning process.


From January: Sarah Moody of the Missouri Foundation for Health and Chris Lassiter of the Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge describe their staff roles that focus on listening.

Nos. 1 and 2, case studies about the how of funder listening, were the two most read posts by a wide margin. Five other posts were related to participatory practices. Three promoted practical tools. As we look ahead to 2025, we’re excited about a strong pipeline of content that will feature even more examples and updated tools. Thanks for reading in 2024. 

photo of Rick Moyers
Rick Moyers
Communications Director, Fund for Shared Insight

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