Announcing New Funders and Listen4Good RFP

Fund for Shared Insight graphic

Three years in to Shared Insight’s work, our ranks continue to grow. Among our latest developments:

  • The Barr Foundation signed on as our newest core funder.
  • The Walton Family Foundation joined us as a new sidecar funder, while the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation renewed its sidecar support, and Liquidnet moves into a sidecar role.
  • We are accepting a Fall Round of proposals for our 2017 Listen4Good grants with proposals due October 13th.

Here’s more information about each of these announcements:

A New Funder at the Core of Shared Insight

We are pleased to introduce the Barr Foundation as Fund for Shared Insight’s newest core funder. Dedicated to the ideals of openness in grantmaking, Barr participated for a year as a sidecar funder, and has now upped its commitment to this collaborative.

Says Jim Canales, Barr’s president and trustee: “Fund for Shared Insight, and its focus on listening to those we aim to serve, is consonant with the Barr Foundation’s core values of humility and curiosity. Shared Insight is driving a national movement around feedback and effectiveness in the social sector, and Barr is pleased to partner on this important effort to benefit the field.”

Sidecar Funders Add Their Support

Shared Insight is also delighted to welcome the Walton Family Foundation as a brand-new sidecar funder, bringing the total number of funders involved with Shared Insight to 40!

Says Walton’s executive director Kyle Peterson: “The Walton Family Foundation is excited to join with other funders in support of Fund for Shared Insight, a great project that we’ve watched build momentum over the last few years. Fund for Shared Insight helps the philanthropic field become more open and engaging, speeding up learning, through applying more of an active listening role. We are proud to be part of this important initiative.”

In two other moves, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation has renewed as a sidecar funder for two more years, and Liquidnet, a founding core member, stepped into a new role as a sidecar funder.

Listen4Good Fall 2017 Request for Proposals

We are thrilled to announce that Fund for Shared Insight is offering another chance for nonprofits to apply for a Listen4Good (L4G) grant in 2017 – and start implementing high-quality feedback loops with beneficiaries in 2018. If you’ve wanted to nominate a nonprofit or apply for a grant, this is a great opportunity to do so. We’ll announce grants from the May round in September, and, in parallel, we have reopened the doors for additional proposals due October 13th. (For organizations affected by the natural disasters in August and September, the deadline has been extended to November 17.)*

L4G helps organizations build the practice of high-quality feedback loops by applying to the nonprofit beneficiary context a semi-standard survey instrument widely used by businesses to gather customer feedback. L4G welcomes customer-facing nonprofits across issue areas, populations served, geographies, and budget levels serving people whose voices are least heard. In order to engage more funders in supporting beneficiary feedback efforts and using the data to inform their work, L4G is structured as a co-funding opportunity.

To participate in L4G, a nonprofit must be nominated by a current funder (existing or new). If the nonprofit(s) a funder nominates is selected to participate in Listen4Good, the nominating funder will contribute $15,000 of the $45,000 grant total for each nonprofit selected. Grantees will receive a grant of $45,000 over two years: $30,000 paid the first year and $15,000 the second year. We will accept proposals from funder-nominated nonprofits until Friday, October 13, 2017 at 11:59pm Pacific Time (Friday, November 17, 2017 at 11:59pm Pacific Time for organizations affected by the natural disasters in August and September) and announce grant decisions before the end of the year.

For more information about how to nominate a grantee or apply for L4G click here.

On behalf of everyone at Fund for Shared Insight, thank you for your interest in this work and we hope you’re having a great summer!

*Deadline information was updated in September, 2017.

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