Media Analysis: A Two-Year Follow-Up Analysis from Baseline Report

2015-16 Media Analysis

ORS Impact conducted a second follow-up media analysis to see if there were any changes in the level of discourse on feedback loops and openness two years after Shared Insight’s launch. They reviewed relevant blogs, periodicals, and reports to assess changes over the timeframe from July 2015 to June 2016 compared to the previous two years.

Key findings

  • Fewer instances of relevant “chatter” overall – compared to previous year, there is slightly less content with greater alignment around beneficiary feedback loops*
  • Relevant content shows up most frequently in blogs – this suggests that beneficiary feedback loops are a popular topic of “informal” discourse in the field
  • Within feedback discourse, discussion around using feedback and closing the loop have decreased
  • Fewer instances referred to both systematic feedback and closed loop feedback
  • More instances of feedback were specifically from beneficiaries

*We attribute this decrease in “chatter” around beneficiary feedback loops to our decision to refrain from writing about and encouraging media coverage of our newly launched Listen for Good initiative as it was highly experimental and unproven during most of 2016.