Our Funders
Our funders are a diverse group of grantmakers committed to making philanthropy better through collaborative efforts that build and promote community around listening and feedback. We believe foundations are most effective — and can make the most difference in the world — when their decisions are informed by the insights of nonprofits and the people and communities most harmed by the systems and structures philanthropy is seeking to change.
Core Funders
Core funders commit a minimum of $250,000/year for a general project support grant for three years. They play a key strategic role in our efforts by joining three in-person core funder meetings per year and participating in the grantmaking process. Core funders have the option to participate in special learning events, join subcommittees based on their foundation’s interests, and to invite fellow staff members to join learning groups that explore topics at the intersection of their work and the collaborative’s priority areas. Core funders can also play a crucial role by authoring blog posts or articles about our work, sharing information with their network via email and social media, and cultivating interest among other funders in joining the collaborative.
Core Funder Representatives

As director of Hewlett’s Effective Philanthropy Group, Jehan leads a team that makes grants to strengthen nonprofits and the philanthropic sector and provides internal guidance across the foundation’s programs on supporting grantee capacity and developing, implementing, and evaluating grant strategies. Jehan has more than 25 years of experience in strategy consulting and organizational capacity-building, including in previous posts at Blue Meridian Partners, The Bridgespan Group, Mercer Management Consulting, and Catholic Relief Services.
Sidecar Funders
For funders who want to support the work of Fund for Shared Insight but cannot make the three-year, $250,000/year minimum commitment to join as a core funder, we invite them to join as a “sidecar” funder. Sidecar funders typically provide $100,000/year for three years for general operating support or project/geography specific work. We invite sidecar funders to our core funder dinners and special events, to serve on subcommittees, and to invite fellow staff members to join learning groups that explore topics at the intersection of their work and the collaborative’s priority areas. Sidecar funders do not participate in Shared Insight’s grantmaking process or governance structure.
Listen4Good Sponsors
Listen4Good began as Fund for Shared Insight’s signature national feedback initiative designed to promote equity-driven listening across the social sector. Now an independent capacity-building program, Listen4Good provides organizations with the tools, resources, and coaching they need to implement high-quality, client-focused feedback loops that lead to positive changes in decision making and service delivery. Core funders, sidecar funds, and other interested funders are invited to participate in Listen4Good by sponsoring organizations’ participation in Listen4Good Online+ or Listen4Good Premium, and by sharing learnings with grantees around connecting more meaningfully with each other and the people and communities most impacted by their work. We also encourage funders to provide capacity-building grants, as needed.
The following are funders that have supported nonprofits’ participation in Listen4Good through past co-funded grant rounds or as sponsors underwriting the cost of L4G Online+ or L4G Premium.
Rita Allen Foundation
Arrow Impact
Arsht-Cannon Fund (endowed fund of the Delaware Community Foundation)
Assisi Foundation of Memphis
Bainum Family Foundation
Barr Foundation
The Liz Blake Giving Fund
Ms. Elizabeth Bausch
Mary Black Foundation
The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Foundation
Blue Meridian Partners
The Boston Foundation
Bravo Foundation
The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation
Kristen Lynch Cerullo
Charles Schwab Bank
The Chicago Community Trust
Edna McConnell Clark Foundation
Cisco Systems
Communities Foundation of Texas
Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region
Community Foundation of Sonoma County
Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley
Community Impact Committee of United Way of Northwest Vermont
Deaconess Foundation
Jessie Ball duPont Fund
Elkhart Community Foundation
Endowment for Health
Episcopal Health Foundation
The Florida Bar Foundation
Fondation CHANEL
Ford Foundation
Freedom Together Foundation
The George Foundation
Julian Grace Foundation
GreenLight Fund of the Bay Area
GritLab Foundation
Walter and Elise Haas Fund
Harland Charitable Foundation
Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
Hawai’i Community Foundation
Health Foundation for Western and Central New York
The Heinz Endowments
Heising-Simons Foundation
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Hope and Comfort Innovation Fund
Hope for New York
Ichigo Foundation
Inasmuch Foundation
Innovate Foundation
Innovation Performance Commission
The James Irvine Foundation
Kamehameha Schools
Katzin Foundation
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Korean American Community Foundation
The Kresge Foundation
Las Vegas – Clark County Library District Foundation
Tom LaTour
Laureus Sport for Good
Lever for Change
Love Cultivating Assets (donor-advised fund at the San Francisco Foundation)
MacArthur Foundation
Marin Community Foundation
The John P. McGovern Academy of Oslerian Medicine
Melville Charitable Trust
Merrion Family Foundation
Michigan Health Endowment Fund
NeighborWorks America
NEPA Funders Collaborative
The Nelson Foundation
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
The Nord Family Foundation
Oak Foundation
Obama Foundation
Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing
Oregon Community Foundation
The Osprey Foundation
Overdeck Family Foundation
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Petaluma Health Center
Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust
Plough Foundation
The Private Bank
Results for America
Yucca Rieschel
Rieschel Foundation
The Robin Hood Foundation
The Rockefeller Foundation
Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation
Rockwell Fund, Inc.
Saint Luke’s Foundation
San Juan United Way
Sand Hill Foundation
George H. and Estelle M. Sands Foundation
Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation
Scattergood Foundation
Helen J. Serini Foundation
Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation
Silicon Valley Social Venture Fund (SV2)
The Simmons Foundation
May and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust
Sobrato Philanthropies
Lisa Sobrato Sonsini
Sparkjoy Foundation
The Spartanburg County Foundation
Stand Together
Anna B. Stearns Charitable Foundation
Sunlight Giving
Susan Stone
Moses Taylor Foundation
David Tepper Family Foundation
Tipping Point Community
Tracy Family Foundation
United Way for Southeastern Michigan
United Way of Tarrant County
United Way of the Cape Fear Area
United Way of West Central Mississippi
Universal Orlando Foundation
Urban Child Institute
Wege Foundation
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation
Weingart Foundation
Wellington Management Foundation
Paul Walker and Jennifer Wheary
The Whitman Institute
William Penn Foundation
Mary Winter
Wishcamper Family Foundation
Five Individuals affiliated with World Relief Seattle
York Solutions’ Think IT Association
Tommy and Lauren Young Fund, via Hope Christian Community Foundation
Younger Family Foundation
Zellerbach Family Foundation